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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Small Business Computer Networking

Setting up a small business computer networking system is a much less expensive venture than it used to be. Neither is it as complicated. Gone are the days when an expert, or the tech-savvy neighbor kid, had to be called in just to get the CPU (central processing unit), monitor, keyboard, working together. The systems certainly are more sophisticated, but so are the individual components. Modern CPUs contain software that detects when new hardware is connected. For example, replacing a printer used to mean running printer driver programs from floppy disks and crossed fingers. But now a new printer can be plugged into the appropriate port and spitting out documents in less time than it takes to brew a cup of tea. (Of course, there is this caveat: some major companies may require printers and other peripheral devices that perform multiple tasks. The installation of such components may require expert assistance. However, such companies usually have people on staff or contract such work to an outside vendor. A small business owner, though, may be surprised by how much he can do by himself.) Similarly, families can easily set up home computer networking systems. In fact, many households may have already done so without giving it much thought at all. After all, a simplistic definition of a network is two or more computers and/or peripherals connected to one another through an internet connection.

A family may find that they need to upgrade or simplify their home computer networking system. Perhaps they began, several years ago, with one computer and printer shared by each family member. But as time went on, dad started bringing home the office laptop. Mom started a home business and needed an updated desktop with a printer that also scanned, copied, and faxed documents. The oldest child is in high school and has a laptop of her own. The original computer is now stuck in a corner of the family room for the younger children to use for homework assignments. But let's not forget that big brother also has a sophisticated gaming system, dad has a wireless digital camera, and mom uses a personal digital assistant (PDA). What started as a simple computer and printer with an internet connection has mushroomed into multiple computers and peripheral devices that all depend on internet access. This family's system has grown as new devices were added to the mix. They have a combination of wired and wireless devices with a modem, router, and firewall.

But are the computers really connected? Not necessarily. When the younger child wants a document printed out in color does he have to transfer it to mom's computer first? The family that is still sharing files by copying them onto disks or using a USB key or emailing attachments needs to know that there is a better way. With the right equipment and software, the younger children can print documents to mom's fancier printer even if it's in another room. Dad can download photos from his camera to mom's PDA. And more than one family member can play the same online game at the same time. Games like this can bring a family, who may be too often isolated by the use of computers in different rooms, together to interact with one another and make some fun memories. A wise man once wrote: "In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge" (Proverbs 14:26). With appropriate priorities, the home computer networking system can be a blessing for the family. All the components are in place to perform the tasks required by the family, whether they are related to school, the home, business, or entertainment. Instead of an either/or choice, both wired and wireless technology are used in tandem. In other words, even though the purposes are different, this example family's home network may not look that much different from a small business computer networking system (except, perhaps, for the games).

Small businesses may find themselves facing a similar situation to the family used in the above example. As devices are purchased, they are added to the existing system. An entrepreneur who is just starting out has the advantage of setting up a seamless small business computer networking system with the capacity for upgrades. A basic understanding of the way a network operates can help the family, the small business owner, and the entrepreneur may good decisions when it's time to upgrade the network or to add additional components. Basically, the internet connection comes into the home or office through service provided by a local cable or phone company. The device that makes the internet usage possible is called the broadband gateway or, more commonly, the modem. A router, which connects to the modem, directs internet traffic to the appropriate device. In the example of the family with the home computer networking system, the router ensures that when mom enters a specific website address into her browser, she sees the appropriate web page on her computer. It doesn't go to the old computer or to the teenager's laptop. Similarly, when one of the younger children wants to print to a remote printer, the router makes that possible through switches, or cabling devices. These cables are thicker than the traditional phone cords and are called Category 5 or Cat 5 cables by those in the industry.

Both the household and the small business computer networking system need to be protected from viruses and hackers. Most routers already include firewall security, but additional security software can be purchased for those needing additional protection. Though setting up a network using wired technology is usually less expensive and provides faster connections, wireless technology allows freedom to use laptops, wireless cameras, PDAs, and online gaming systems without being tied to a specific location. As indicated above, most small business and home computer networking systems will use a combination of both wired and wireless components in their networks. No matter how organized and integrated the original network design, almost all businesses and households are going to find that, as time goes on, they will once again have a hodgepodge of old and new components dedicated to a variety of tasks. But with a network connection that allows the various components to communicate with each other, all the tasks that need to be accomplished will be accomplished.

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Used Notebook Computers

Used notebook computers are money-saving items that can be found in a variety of places by those customers who don't want to pay the price of a new one, but still want a quality computer. The buyer should do his homework first, of course. First consider what the laptop will be used for and the types of software needed. Then when and where it is to be used is important. If space and mobility are two important factors along with cost, used laptop computers are good choices.

Reliability is also important. Purchasing used notebook computers from a local computer store or from an online supplier usually means the computers have been cleaned, audited, tested and refurbished before they're sold. This ensures reliability, even though the manufacturer's warranty is no longer valid. Most of the electronics stores will provide a limited 90-day warranty, and also sell a warranty policy for a nominal fee, so that protection is available. Batteries are also available at electronics stores, so replacement is not a problem. For the traveler who takes the laptop along, hooking up to a power outlets better than relying on the battery because even the best batteries have a limited life until they are recharged.

Whether someone is buying used laptop computers from a specialty store or the local computer repair shop, there is usually a thirty-day return policy that will allow a return of the purchase back if the customer isn't satisfied. If the customer has been careful in making a selection so that the purchase meets his needs, this probably won't happen. Of course, something can go wrong with a system, but usually problems can be resolved without actually having to return the purchase. Glitches can happen when new programs are installed, or old ones removed, so that needs to be checked out, the same as with a new computer.

People buying used notebook computers should still have access to the manufacturer's assistance. There is usually a telephone number provided with the first purchase, and that information should accompany the product as well. There will be a charge, but it shouldn't take very long to get answers to questions, so a customer will know if a repairman is needed. If the laptop has come from a reputable person or store, there should be a minimum of problems to contend with.

The location of a place selling used laptops can be as close as the buyer's neighborhood or as far away as across the country. Local newspaper ads could turn up an offer from an individual or the computer repair store in the buyer's town. Buying from an individual should be the simplest, but the buyer must be sure to get all the manuals that came with it and an explanation of the programs that are included, just the same as if it was being bought from a store. Before the deal is closed, the seller should be willing to have the laptop checked by an expert. That way, if there are any replacement parts needed the buyer won't be surprised.

In today's electronic world, buying online has become the norm. There are quite a few dealers on the Internet that sell pre-owned laptops bearing any known brand name (and some not-so-known) for prices that will fit just about any pocketbook. For the buyer who enjoys the competition of an auction, eBay is the ideal location for finding used laptop computers. Photos are provided, along with explanations of what they can do, how old they are, and any other information the seller believes important. There is usually a minimum bid supplied, so the buyer knows what is expected. However, the first bid doesn't actually have to be as high as the suggested amount, so sometimes a buyer can strike a real bargain. If the item is a particularly popular model, it could turn the other way as well, and the buyer may spend more than he planned if he wants the computer badly enough. All things considered, buying used laptop computers is not more difficult than buying new, but the cost is much lower. Americans (women, particularly) have a high appreciation for any quality merchandise they can get for bargain basement prices. Used notebook computers fit that profile perfectly.

Those who have used notebook computers for sale can consider all of the above as means to that end as well. Whether they no longer have a use for their notebook because they aren't in business any more, or they have bought an upgrade, there are ways to get rid of one without actually throwing it into the junk pile. One other solution is the opportunity to donate an old computer to a charitable organization or individual that could not otherwise afford one. A student from a poor family would certainly appreciate this kind of help with schoolwork, and the local church, Boys & Girls Club, or similar organization may welcome used computers for their members. For Christians, this gift is the best way to dispose of an old laptop. As Scripture reminds us, "And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him." (Colossians 3:17)

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History Of Computers

Does the history of computers, those wonderful, information rich tools that bring the world to our fingers and sometimes aggravation to our lives have any interest to us? It probably ought to because the computer has been voted one of the most influential inventions of the last one hundred years, although this writer's choice is the air conditioner which has sucked everybody back in our cool houses and away from relationships that were born on front porches during long summer evening walks. No, this is not about air conditioners. While the abacus has been around for tens of centuries, anything resembling what might be called a computer of sorts was invented in the late 1930's and early 40's by a German inventor named Konrad Zuse. The man has been called the father of the modern computer.

It is not surprising that the early history of the computer was pretty much fleshed out at universities in America and in Europe. In the atmosphere of math, physics and engineering genius that certainly pervaded and still pervades the world's learning institutions today, the desire to think outside the box brought about the early versions of what we know today as a pc. While many pcs today can do one hundred and fifty billion math computations in a few seconds, the early models could do one calculation in fifteen seconds. Words like vacuum tubes, seven hundred miles of wire, five tons of weight, fifty five feet long, seven hundred thousand moving parts, and pre punched rolls of paper, thirty tons of weight; 1800 square feet in size are all mentioned when describing the internal parts of a computer in the 1950's. In 1953, private enterprise entered the pc business when the International Business Machines Company produced nineteen model 701-EDPMs for various companies and the military. As history marched on, the invention of the transistor, the mouse, floppy disk, microprocessor, the first Apple pc, the Commodore 64, spreadsheet software, word processing software were part of a snowball becoming an avalanche on the American scene.

By the seventies, internal parts of a computer began acquiring names with which many Americans are now familiar. Hard drives, disk drives, motherboard, sound card, power supply, CPU and other terms started being uttered on the lips of a few and later became the common vocabulary of millions. Americans may not have understood what any of these parts played in the pc processing scheme, but they knew that a hard disk breakdown or a motherboard being fried was not a good thing. Many a pc was tossed out a nearby window when the term fatal error flashed on the screen. And when a disk drive went bad, many Americans began to understand that the problem was just a matter of slipping one out and putting another one in its place. "I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service." (Romans 12:1)

In the early history of computers, data memory was in the form of delay (sending pulses through a liquid like mercury and refreshing the memory device), Williams tubes (cathode ray tubes), and magnetic drums that held punch cards or paper tape. Internal parts of a pc today that have memory storage responsibilities include volatile units, such as the CPU or central processing unit, and the main memory or RAM. Volatile means that the units have to be powered to retain memory. Non volatile memory storage is found in the hard disk, and in off line sources such as CD's and DVD's and flash drives and zip drives. Today, the most important of the internal parts of the pc (but all are needed for a modern computer to function) is the motherboard, sometimes called the mobo by some computer makers. The mobo coordinates all the computer's activities, and includes the microprocessor, main memory, non volatile memory including BIOS, the pc's internal clock and slots for expansion cards such as sound and video.

So the history of computers is remarkable in that they have really only been around in a useful mode for about forty years. The changes in the internal parts of a computer are happening almost monthly in terms of speed and memory storage. They are becoming smaller and smaller and are used in automobiles, refrigerators, air conditioners, medical devices and well...the story is familiar. So the history of computers is not nearly as compelling as the future of computers. Where do scientists see these boxes that sit on our desks and on our laps going in the next fifteen or twenty years? Gates of Microsoft once said that the world hadn't seen anything yet.

Reality seems to point to mankind depending more and more on science and technology answering its deep and seemingly impossible problems. Because recent generations' histories have also been the history of pcs, there seems to be no understanding that believing in technology as the ultimate answer to man's problems could be, and is in fact, flawed. While much of the world is under the delusion that man is intrinsically good and possesses within himself the ability to overcome greed and hate and lust and the desire for power, the truth as God sees it is much different. God calls all of mankind sinful and fallen and incapable of becoming anything other than that which he already is: greedy, know. Utopia will always elude us in our natural state. God will provide that place to dwell forever to those who love, honor and trust Him. It's not the internal parts of a computer perpetually evolving to a higher level of capability that will save us; it is the internal parts of our hearts, our inner beings changing by the power of God that will bring heaven on earth.

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Free Online Computer Help

Most computer owners could use a little free online computer help from time to time. The internet is a good source of aid on a variety of subjects and PC problems are no exception. Whether the issue at hand deals with hardware or software issues, viruses and spy ware, wireless technology or any number of potential problems or questions, there are a wide variety of web sites that offer assistance in these areas. Anyone who needs computer tech help can easily find support online that is free of charge. Whether a PC owner is a beginner or an experienced user, helpful information is readily available online. A consumer might be looking for a quick answer to a simple computer related problem, or they may be interested in full blown tutorials or classes on a variety of subjects. Helpful tips and maintenance advice are also available. Glossaries of terms and acronyms that are associated with computers can lend a hand in taking the mystery out of complicated technical lingo. Answers to important security questions or basic trouble shooting are readily at hand on the web as well.

When a system is on the fritz, computer tech help can be easily located on the internet. Some web sites even have interactive features that allow a user to find the answer to their particular issue, simplifying the trouble shooting process. Visitors to these web sites do not need to be PC wizards themselves. By explaining things in simple, laymen's terms, these sites guide the user, helping them pinpoint what is wrong and facilitating a solution. If the issue is beyond anything that the owner can handle themselves, these sources can also guide the consumer so that they know when to call in an expert. Whether the issue concerns simple problems such as cleaning a mouse or keyboard, or more complicated topics such as how to back up a system or maintain a hard drive, simple guides are available on a variety of web sites. Some sites even have support teams who can provide answers to e-mail questions.

These sources of free online computer help can also advise the PC consumer on how to upgrade a system when the need arises. If a PC user is seeking answers to questions concerning hardware installation they can find guides that will show them how to perform these procedures. Perhaps the desire is to install a new CD burner or DVD player, but the consumer is not sure how to proceed. These helpful sites can show them how, usually in an easy, step by step format. Instructions on how to install extra memory, sound cards, or even hard drives is often clearly illustrated on these sites. For some PC owners, even removing the case cover on their system can be an intimidating process. These sites can provide the information and advice that take the fear out of dealing with simple PC problems. These sites are also good sources of information on the types of free software programs or utilities that are available online.

Another service that these free online computer help web sites might provide are directories to various online guides that help the consumer deal with any number of internet issues. Whether the need is for information on child safety on the internet, how to handle e-mail issues, how to stop SPAM e-mails along with how to report them, how to use a search engine, or find a reputable web hosting service, there is usually a guide available and these sites can help the PC user find them. These sites are not only great sources of computer tech help, but they can also provide information for the novice computer user who is interested in expanding PC knowledge or making the most of an internet connection. The Bible talks about the kind of help that can be found in God. "Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." (Romans 8:26)

In addition to computer tech help that is free of charge, there are a wide variety of computer lessons that are available online at no cost. For the novice, there are web sites that offer tutorials on basic operating systems as well as tips and tricks. The PC user who is interested in improving their skills in word processing can find online classes and lessons in a variety of well known programs. If a consumer finds spreadsheets confusing, they can learn to master popular spreadsheet programs through these free tutorials. Graphics and digital photography are two more subjects that are frequently covered by these online classes. When a PC user wants to create a web site there are a wide array of readily available tutorials on just about any type of web building software, along with a basic understanding of web training and HTML.

PC owners who are searching for free online computer help can also learn about such issues as audio and video technology. Primers on networking, web caching, FTP and popular networking software are also readily available online. Tutorials on programming that cover well known software, databases and basic tools are also available. When a computer owner finds a solution to a problem, these web sites often dedicate a page on the site that allows users to share solution with others. Frequently asked computer questions are also popular pages on these sites. Since most of these online sources do not charge for their help or expertise, many will accept donations to help cover their expenses.

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Buy Computer Parts

To buy computer parts, whether to build a new system or to replace the components of an existing one, all a person needs to do is to click a mouse. Unless, of course, it's the mouse that needs replacing! Numerous online companies exist that maintain a large selection of wholesale computer parts that can be purchased at a significant discount. Not all wholesalers are the same, however, and not all cater to the same type of customer base. Some sellers only sell to other businesses in what is known as B2B (business-to-business). Others sell to individual consumers. Whichever category the prospective customer fits in, caution needs to be used when doing any kind of online shopping with a new vendor, and be sure that any company is reputable before making a purchase.

Though not a foolproof method, a lot can learned just from taking a careful look at the company's website. It should be well-designed with clear product specifications and pricing information. The shopping cart and checkout procedures should be secure. The store's customer service and return policies need to be easy to find and clearly stated. If the contact page includes a phone number, the prospective customer may want to make a call and talk to someone at the business. This can help get any questions answered and the prospective customer can get a feel for the friendliness and knowledge of the support staff. By first making a small purchase, the customer can demonstrate wisdom by conducting a test on the company's reliability, the quality of its products, and the delivery times. As the Old Testament writer said: "But where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding? Man knoweth not the price thereof; neither is it found in the land of the living." (Job 28:12-13)

Some wholesalers are true middlemen who buy inventory, such as wholesale computer parts, from several manufacturers. In turn, these wholesalers sell the inventory to retailers who then sell the products to the end users (consumers). The wholesale price is almost always significantly less than the retail price. However, a person usually cannot buy computer parts (or any other type of products) from a true wholesale middleman without some type of certificate or reseller's license that indicates the person has a legitimate retail business. It doesn't have to be a big business or even a physical store -- the person may have a sole proprietorship and sell items on the Internet at online auctions. But to get items from a middleman wholesaler, he or she will need to register the business with the appropriate state agency and apply for a reseller's certificate. A copy of the certificate can then be mailed or faxed to the wholesalers who are then able to sell inventory to the sole proprietor. The state will not collect taxes on the purchase, but the sole proprietor will need to keep good records and remit taxes to the state on certain sales that are made of the inventory. The aspiring entrepreneur is well advised to take advantage of the many resources that are available regarding the legalities of opening a business. These can be found on the Internet, at the public library, through local chambers of commerce, and at offices operated by the U.S. Small Business Administration. The more knowledge that is soaked up before opening the doors (even virtual online ones), the more likely the entrepreneur will be successful in his or her business venture.

Other companies may not be middlemen, but advertise wholesale prices as part of their advertising strategy. They may legitimately sell inventory to the end user. Some consumers may be scared to buy computer parts that are priced significantly less than the same items at an authorized dealer. The fear may be that the products are defective in some way and that is why they are priced at such a discount. But this may not be the case. A manufacturing company often manufactures more of a specific product than a computer company has ordered in case the company needs additional products very quickly. But if the company doesn't need the excess, the manufacturing company ends up with excess inventory. These wholesale computer parts are sold to other companies at a reduced price. These companies are then able to pass along the savings on these parts to the consumer. In addition to the cost savings, many customers find other advantages of dealing with these computer vendors instead of the authorized dealers. Besides the convenience of online shopping, many of these vendors employ knowledgeable staff who can help a customer purchase the right type of component model for his needs. Whether the customer is buying a replacement component or a whole new system, a well-informed sales person is a great asset to any company. And every customer appreciates personalized service.

An entrepreneur who is buying wholesale computer parts may be required to purchase items in bulk lots. This means that she needs to purchase multiple quantities of a specific component according to the middleman's price list. For example, a mouse may be sold in lots of one hundred or hard drives may be sold in lots of twenty. The entrepreneur usually is required to purchase a complete lot. The items may be sold per pallet or container. Once the entrepreneur receives the lot, the items can be sold individually to consumers at a profitable price. This is called the mark-up. The wholesale companies usually require the proprietor to open an account before making any purchases. The consumer who wants to buy computer parts online can find discount pricing without buying in bulk lots. He will just need to check out each website to determine if the company is a true wholesale middleman or a business offering discount pricing.

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Best Rated Laptops

Best rated computer laptops are important to research in order to get the most product for the dollar. When shopping around for the best deal, the problem is that many do not know exactly what they are looking for. But that is something that can easily be taken care of. The very first thing to look at is the basic model. A computer does not have a lot of extra things, but the basic model is considered one of the best rated notebook computers due to the fact that a person is able to write essays. However, it does not come with things to help make presentations and does not come with games.

There are options that will come with wireless capability, making it easy to surf the Internet at coffee shops and bookstores and anywhere else where wireless capability is which is perfect for business or personal use. A person will also find that the best rated notebook computers will have a DVD ROM to play movies. These models have everything that is needed in them and although they may be more expensive, they are much higher in quality. Before shopping for the best rated computer laptops, spend some time in prayer about what is truly needed and don't focus on spending anymore money than is necessary. The Lord will provide wisdom about what to get. The Lord will help anyone make all the decisions that are needed to make. "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints," (Ephesians 6:18)

The business model is one of the best simply because a person will find that this level of product comes with a lot of extra things and is one of the best rated notebook computers because the user is still able to write essays and check email, but comes with some extra features as well. This computer will also come with a CD-ROM drive. In fact, a person will have all of the business needs met extremely easily. Since this model only has the business basics, the owner will find that they are able to get it at a reasonable price without having to worry about spending a lot of money.

Whatever model is chosen to buy, it is important to carefully evaluate personal needs. There is no reason to spend more money than needed. When researching the best rated computer laptops, consider talking with a trusted friend or experienced business owner about the options in consideration. The opinions of these individuals may be even more important than the information found in guides. Have patience in the final decision in order to find the best deal as well as the best personal choice.

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Best Laptop Prices

The best laptop prices can be found anywhere from the Internet to local computer stores. When looking for affordable deals, the most important thing that users should do is ask someone for assistance who knows something about computers. It may seem to make sense to simply get a computer, but if the best deals as well as ideal prices are desired, asking for assistance can prove to be wise. Customer service representatives are willing to provide needed information. Most likely a friend who has some kind of computer expertise can provide the understanding of exactly what comes with a computer and how to get the best laptop deals. There is so much that is involved in buying a computer these days. Wireless capability and which provider to choose can also be confusing. Special features are abundant and must be considered on a feature by feature basis. There is a lot that comes along with finding the best laptop deals, but it is important to start at the bottom, with budgeting.

The problem with looking for affordable prices is that by not knowing a lot about computers, it is difficult to know how much to budget for. The best laptop deals can easily be found through the computer or through a store. But if looking for the very best prices, a bit of haggling may be necessary. The best laptop deals may not be what is initially offered. Options for paying with one lump sum or paying monthly are available through almost any store. Paying in one lump sum is cheaper because of the high interest rates that come with buying a computer on credit. A bit of self determination can help one not over spend. That way the right computer can be purchased with no financial regrets afterwards.

Once a budget is set, the ability to begin looking into options is available. Know what you are looking for to get the best laptop prices with all of the features that are wanted. Don't get discouraged, good deals can be found. It is possible to make a decision and get the best laptop prices without a lot of problems. The first place to look for deals is on the Internet. It's surprising how many good bargains are out there when purchasing a computer or looking for special options. For instance, if all that is needed is a computer to type things on, you can find some used products online for as little as 300 dollars. However, if a lot more features are desired, the price can end up being much more.

If shopping online does not work, then the next option is to go to a store. However, before going, have research of the best laptop prices available so as to avoid overspending. Don't allow a slick salesmen to decide what the bottom line will be, especially if working with a budget. Decide ahead of time exactly what is needed and how much will be spent before even walking into the store. Look at the deals that will fit the particular needs and nothing else. Then, once there, simply ask a salesman for what is wanted and they should be able to accommodate. This can all be done very smoothly. However, spend time in prayer before making such a big financial decision. Make sure to ask the Lord for his guidance before continuing on with this. "O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out." (Romans 11:33)

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Best Deals On Laptops

Best deals on laptops are possible depending on where you look. Getting a bargain completely depends on where you are choosing to look and what kinds of laptops you want to get. Necessary research must be done to locate the most affordable product. There are several places that one should look to have the largest array of choices. The first place that you can look is on the Internet. Laptops are all over the Internet and with the holidays coming up, you may be able to get some very good deals. The second place that you can look is in your hometown computer store. If you live in a small town, you may be able to get a good price if the owners have a large concentration of customers but you may have to deal with them being more expensive if they are the only computer place in town. Finally, you can drive to a larger city and look at specialty computer shops. Either way, you should be able to get incredible deals on computers.

First, when you are looking for the best deals on laptops, you must determine whether you want a brand new one or whether you can deal with a used one. You will find it pretty easy to get the best price on older computers. The great thing about this is that you can look on websites that are solely dedicated to selling equipment that has been used before. You will also find these computers to be dirt cheap. However, getting used computers can be tricky as you have not seen them before and are taking a chance they may not work properly. This means that you must make sure that you read up on the seller of the computer before you make any rash decisions. If you decide that you don't want to go for a used equipment but you still want the best deals on laptops, then you can find bargain sites that sell new computers. You can get the best laptop computer deals on these websites, but once again you need to make sure that you are dealing with a legitimate company so that you don't end up getting burned. However, there are a lot of accredited companies on the Internet that you can deal with.

If you want the best deals on laptops but you don't want to have to focus on trying to get a good one of the Internet, then you want to try to work with your hometown store. You may be able to easily get the best laptop computer deals without a problem, but you need to know what you are talking about. You may find that salesmen at your hometown computer store may actually not know what you want in a computer, so you will have to tell them. Getting the best deals on laptops will depend if bargaining is done. Many times, hometown computer stores will try to sell things for more money, simply because they have to. But since they are not a commercial company, they have to sell their things for a greater price. This is important to know, but know the importance of supporting your hometown store. Your store will offer you great customer support; that is not something that you will have to worry about.

Finally, some of the best deals on laptops is going to be in a larger city. However, you may be able to get the best deals, but you will not necessarily get the best customer service or quality. This is something else that you need to concentrate on. The company makes an awful lot of these computers and therefore will not give the best quality on them always. "Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency." (1 Corinthians 7:5)

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Best Notebook Computer Prices

The best notebook computer prices for laptop computers can be found when the consumer is equipped with the right information about his or her individual technology needs. Many times a consumer is confused about all of the bells and whistles offered with state of the art computer technology, and consumers often end up purchasing more computer than they really need for their home or small business projects. There are several steps that can be taken, so read on and discover how to find a great buy by getting the best notebook computer deals of this year.

Before purchasing a notebook, laptop buyers will want to investigate what is new to the market and what changes are being implemented with modern technology. There is ample information about various computers and notebook models available on the market today through computer reviews. Consumers may log onto the Internet and find various resources that report on the best notebook prices and what each of these models is offering. There are also hard copy reviews available through magazines and consumer report guides available where most major magazines are sold. Once a consumer obtains an idea of the different options available today, they are better equipped to find the best notebook computer deals available.

There is the possibility that the newest technology on the market may not be necessary for personal needs. Often the best notebook computer deals can be found when purchasing an older model. Retail stores and online dealers will often sell new, but dated notebooks at discount prices. Ask salespeople or website managers about any older models they may have in stock. This buying strategy can also work with floor models or display models. Once a manufacturer has upgraded their series, the store floor models become obsolete. This is the perfect opportunity to get the best prices for slightly used laptops. These floor models will come with software already installed!

Another idea is to shop for refurbished notebooks. There are websites online that specialize in restored notebook computers, and these websites offer their items at discounted prices. When shopping with an agency that specializes in refurbished models, ask for some type of warranty or guarantee before buying. Because a person will most likely be buying refurbished laptops from an agency online, and will not be able to test the item before purchase, it may be best to ask for a 30-day return policy. The best notebook computer deals are not deals at all, when the computer purchased does not function correctly.

Off brand names can also be a good deal. When looking for the best notebook computer prices, consider checking out manufacturers that are new to the industry, or manufacturers that are not offering the top of the line notebooks. The minor notebook manufacturers often offer the best notebook prices on basic laptops that everything a home computer would need. Talk with sales people at stores or with online agencies about what other manufacturers are entering the market and ask for reviews about the newcomers. It is also a good idea to speak with dealers about trade-ins. Some retailers and online dealers will take an old laptop as a trade in for a new. Of course, the value of the trade-in will depend upon the condition of it. Trading in a working computer or laptop may get the best notebook computer prices on new models.

Sales people and technology gurus get excited about new technology and what it can accomplish. The truth is, however, that individuals and families rarely use all of the memory available with the latest upgrades or most of the specialized programs. Starting with the basics can get anyone the best notebook computer prices, and upgrades can be added at a later date, if needed. Isaiah 46:6 says "They lavish gold out of the bag, and weigh silver in the balance, and hire a goldsmith; and he maketh it a god: they fall down, yea, they worship." Basically, it is important to stay focused on what is truly important in life (such as the money spent) and not worry about image.

Taking the time to research various laptops can save consumers money and help them find the deals available. As these technologies evolve to fit specific needs, so does the basic or average consumers understanding about how they function, and the objectives consumer need them to accomplish, increases. And, anytime spent in research or comparison pricing will be time invested into knowledge and money saved. To find the best notebook computer prices, surf the Internet for daily information on the technology markets and the deals that are offered daily, as well. And, never be timid about asking for additional discounts or free shipping! Make sure to understand all options available before making a final decision and don't be afraid to tell salespeople about the deal found down the road; A lot of the time stores will compete for business.

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Accessorizing Your Laptop

One thing that's kept the computer industry alive for years and years is that the computer purchase never stops with the computer itself. First comes software. Then follows more hardware and even more hardware. Peripherals! Gizmos! Gadgets! And then you can get fun accessories like mouse pads and tchotchkes to sit atop the monitor. The computer is endlessly expandable.

Check out these fun or must-have items to expand your laptop universe:

* Laptop bag or travel case: Buy yourself and your laptop a handsome laptop bag.

* Spare battery: Nothing cries "freedom!" to the laptop road warrior more than an extra battery. Having a bonus battery doubles the time that you can compute without being tethered to an AC wall socket. Some laptops even let you hot swap from one battery to another while the laptop is still running, meaning that the total time you can use your battery greatly exceeds your capacity to do work.

Make sure that the spare battery is approved for your laptop, either coming directly from the manufacturer or from a reliable source that guarantees compatibility. Using the wrong battery in your laptop can meet with disastrous results.

* Docking station or port replicator: A docking station or port replicator helps immensely when it comes time for your laptop to serve desktop duty. A port replicator also gives your laptop more ports and more expandability options than the laptop may come with on its own.

* Cooling pad: The ideal accessory for any modern laptop is the laptop cooling pad. This is a device upon which your laptop sits. The device contains one or more fans and is either powered by the laptop's USB port or standard AA batteries. Your laptop sits upon the device, and the fans help draw away the heat that the battery and microprocessor generate. You get a cooler-running laptop, which keeps the laptop happy.

* Mini-vac: You may find the mini-vac handy for cleaning your laptop, especially the keyboard. You can find these wee vacuums in most office supply stores. You may be surprised (and disgusted) by the gunk that the mini-vac can suck from your laptop.

* USB lamp: Your laptop's LCD screen is illuminated, and you can even see it in the dark. Sadly, however, most laptop keyboards don't light up. To help you see the keyboard, as well as other important things around your laptop, in the dark, you can light things up with a USB-powered lamp.

The lamp plugs into a standard USB port on your laptop. It either has a stiff, bendable cord or a clamp so that you can position it. Flip the switch and let there be light!
•col2markFull-sized keyboard: Although you may not want to tote one around with you, you may find a certain pleasure when using a laptop with a comfy, full-sized keyboard. Especially if you rely on the numeric keypad, either for numbers or cursor control, it's a joy to use a full-sized keyboard with a laptop.

You don't need to do anything special to connect a full-sized keyboard to your laptop, but do note that most laptops don't sport a PC keyboard port. Instead, use the USB port, or if you have a port replicator or docking station, you can connect the full-sized keyboard to it, instead.
In addition to (or perhaps, instead of) a standard full-sized keyboard, you can select any of a number of fun and different keyboards for your laptop. You can find keyboards with special Internet buttons, ergonomically designed to make typing easier on the human bod, as well as wireless keyboards. Because your laptop didn't come with a full-sized keyboard, it's your buyer's paradise as far as choosing one for your laptop. Or if all you need is that numeric keypad, you can find special USB numeric keypads for your laptop.

* External mouse: As with a keyboard, you aren't limited in your choice of an external mouse for your laptop. You can get a basic mouse, one of those space-age optical glowing mice, a mouse with a lot of buttons, that weird mouse that you can hover in the air and use like a TV remote, wireless mice, trackball mice, those tiny laptop mice, and the list goes on and on.

* ID card or return service sticker: If your laptop wore underwear, you'd most likely want to write the laptop's name on the underwear. But since laptops don't require underwear, the next best thing is to create an ID card for your laptop.

You stick your name somewhere on your laptop not only to claim ownership of it, but also to pray that if you ever lose it (or someone steals it), some good citizen can recognize the laptop as your own and contact you.
A better solution is to use a return service and take advantage of its tamper-resistant asset tags.

* Theft prevention system: The perfect gift for the laptop that you love - either some type of cable to keep your laptop from walking off or one of those annoyingly loud my-laptop-has-been-moved alarms. Ease your fears, secure your laptop!


Notebook Computers For Sale

When looking for notebook computers for sale, a buyer won't have to look very far to find whatever brand name preferred, and that has whatever components are necessary to meet specific requirements. Television ads for computers are frequently letting consumers know what is available, and magazines carry computer ads along with a myriad of pitches for other products. Newspapers often have whole page spreads letting subscribers know there are laptop computers for sale. Electronics stores are the most prolific sellers, after the manufacturers themselves. However, there are plenty of department stores that carry name brands and their components to satisfy the needs of any customers.

The point is the search for laptop computers for sale doesn't have to be an arduous task. Unless a customer lives in a very remote part of the country, the chances of finding laptop computers for sale today are especially good. With the popularity of electronic communications growing as it is, the supply is expanding to keep up, and quite successfully. Judging from the number and scope of advertising for these smaller computing tools, desktops are becoming less attractive for a lot of people. The space that must be dedicated to the larger style can be a problem, and the lack of mobility is a hindrance in today's business culture, at least for the worker who travels from one office to another.

The permanent business office with a number of employees will always need the desktop units in order to have enough memory to meet their needs. However, even they are less bulky with the new flat screens, so space saving equipment is coming of age in more than one area. When the laptops first came out, their weight was a hindrance. Transporting them was certainly easier than with the desktop style, but they were bulky. Today when a person wants to find notebook computers for sale, what they find is sleek and lightweight. There has been quite a change from those early designs.

If cost is of purchasing a new laptop is prohibitive, used ones are available from several sites on the Internet. Local computer stores will often have second-hand notebooks for sale as well, and the cost in either place will be decidedly less than what someone would have to pay for a brand new one. If the buyer is really lucky and knows a computer geek, it may even be possible to get one specially built at a lesser price. Whichever way a person decides to buy, once the notebook is in the customer's possession, there are other things to consider. In the same place notebooks are found, there will likely be a number of accessories available, and some of them should be taken into consideration.

A computer stand is one accessory that will allow the laptop to be mounted where there is plenty of air circulating at its base to prevent overheating. Since getting too hot can eventually damage the computer, the stand is a good investment. For those owners who are accustomed to using a mouse to move the cursor about, the cursor pad that is on all laptops and notebooks is slow, and a little harder to manipulate. Getting a mouse for the laptop is a good accessory for increasing efficiency, and can be found wherever the buyer looks for laptop computers for sale.

The person who likes the competition of an auction will enjoy sales on auction sites. The search can be made by entering the general term "notebook computers," or by specific brand. There will be photos of all the computers that have been listed for sale, so the purchase isn't made sight unseen, even though it is via the Internet instead of a store. Of course, an auction site isn't the only Internet site where one can find notebook computers for sale. For the inveterate Internet searcher, other places will offer laptop computers for sale, and orders can be placed without ever stepping foot out of one's home. Most homes today have some kind of computer in them, and they are valuable, prized, possessions. Life was quite different in Bible times, when prized possessions were of a different sort. "And the Lord hath blessed my master greatly; and he is become great: and he hath given him flocks, and herds, and silver, and gold, and menservants, and maidservants, and camels, and asses." (Genesis 24:35)

Buying laptops or notebooks is still a major purchase for most people. Unless the consumer is lucky enough to find what he wants on sale, it is an expensive piece of equipment. Therefore, before launching the search, it's wise to take the time to research what is available, and which of those available units is going to be best for the use for which it is intended. If the buyer intends to play games, there is a laptop specifically designed for that. If home use is the goal, i.e., e-mail and other correspondence, personal records, etc., the type of laptop and the programs it houses will be different from those needed by a businessman or woman. A buyer will do well to consult an expert before beginning the search for notebook computers for sale.

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Flat Panel Computer Monitors

Looking at widescreen computer monitors may be even more important for PC owners than choosing a PC because the monitor is the PC user's eye into the digital world. If that eye doesn't show a clear picture, the user won't get the full experience. Therefore, shopping for this item can be tedious. When selecting the right monitor, several factors must be taken into consideration: size, CRT or LCD, viewing angle, contrast, brightness, and refresh rate. Choosing the right merchant is also equally important to the purchase. "A true witness delivereth souls: but a deceitful witness speaketh lies." (Proverbs 14:25) Shoppers for flat panel computer monitors will need to be aware of the merchant's customer reviews, reputation, returns policy, shipping rates, and quality of customer service.

Size is an important factor when narrowing down the list of widescreen computer monitors. It's also a good place to start when a shopper is overwhelmed by choices. Typical monitors range from 15" to as large as 30". The size will first be dependent on the space available. Shoppers will need to measure the desk space and determine exactly where the monitor will be placed. Both height and width are important to consider as some desks do have shelves above or on the sides. Another factor that can easily help narrow down the field is deciding between CRT or LCD. CRT (cathode-ray tube) has typically been the less expensive choice between the two. The differences, however, are becoming less obvious to most consumers. For the purpose of video gaming or using the monitor for viewing video files frequently, CRT is considered the better choice because it is better at displaying motion and color. LCD, on the other hand, uses less energy and may save the consumer on the power bill in the long run.

Contrast and brightness are other factors to consider after choosing between LCD and CRT flat panel computer monitors. Contrast is the ratio between black and white on the screen. It is basically how defined the black is compared to the white. These factors can usually be adjusted, but the range varies from model to model. Aim for a contrast ratio of 350:1 or higher. Brightness is how bright the screen appears to the viewer. The brightness of an LCD screen can vary depending on how bright the room is where it's stored. Choosing a monitor with 250cd/m2 or higher. For CRT, refresh rate is an important factor. As the screen updates during use, it flickers. Consumers who have sensitive eyes will want to make sure that the monitor won't give them headaches. For this reason, a refresh rate of 75 Hertz or higher is best.

Choosing a good merchant for widescreen computer monitors is the next step after selecting the right model. This merchant should have a clear and fair return policy in place. If it's a local store, the shopper should ask a salesperson about the conditions before buying. Online merchants should have the return policy posted on the website. For LCD monitors, it's important to find out what the company's dead pixel policy is. One disadvantage to buying an LCD model is that sometimes it will have dead pixels, dark or faded areas, on the screen. Stores may require that there be a certain amount of dead pixels that occur within a specific number of days after purchase. The policy should allow for the exchange of the damaged item for a new exact replacement. Merchants will also need to be clear about shipping and handling rates for online customers. Compare rates with other sellers to be sure that the shipping and handling isn't unreasonable. However, customer should remember that it may take some delicate packaging to get a monitor shipped without incurring damage.

Shoppers should always read customer reviews, not just for merchants but for flat panel computer monitors as well. This is another way to see if a product is a good choice and see if a merchant is reputable. Pay close attention to any negative comments regarding slow shipping, shipping damaged goods, or poor customer service. For the product, complaints will always vary since people's points of view are subjective. However, complaints about the quality of the item such as durability and reliability should be red flags. The last thing a consumer wants to do is go through with a purchase only to return the item within a month. This is a hassle that can be easily avoided by reading reviews. Overall, the customer needs to be on the look out for complaints regarding issues that match their own concerns.

As a whole, the consumer is responsible for a making a smart purchase among many widescreen computer monitors with a reputable merchant. Reputable merchants will be long-standing and known for excellent customer service. These companies will be willing to communicate with customers regarding questions and concerns with prompt responses. These merchants will also have a large amount of positive feedback from customers and be known among PC professionals as great vendors to work with. No matter what merchant the shopper chooses, flat panel computer monitors are the best choice among monitors. Unlike their boxy predecessors, these slim models save lots of space. When it comes to relocate, these items are also easy to pack up and carry. Widescreen monitors are also a great choice for consumers who like to watch widescreen films on their PCs, play computer games, or multi-task. As these items get wider and thinner, shoppers will continue to seek out the newest high-tech version for their PC setup.

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Discount Laptop Batteries

Discount laptop batteries can be purchased from a wide selection of online stores that specialize in accessories for laptops. There are also businesses that solely specialize in batteries for digital equipment and offer almost any brand or model that a consumer may need. 'Discount' does not mean refurbished as many businesses will emphasize that offer wholesale priced power supplies. So called refurbished batteries call into question the price saving benefits of purchasing such an item since the cost to refurbish a battery is as much as a newly manufactured product. A consumer usually benefits the most in quality and price by purchasing new discount notebook computer batteries.

There are basically three types of discount laptop batteries available that fit almost any computer. The first type is a nickel cadmium battery that provides rechargeable functions for laptops. The very first laptops used this type of power source and had the benefits of low price and rapid charging ability. NiCd batteries are currently being replaced, however, with newer, more powerful battery packs. Nickel metal hydride packs are currently the most widely used of all power sources for notebook computers. They provide more capacity and are safer to use as well as cost efficient for buyers.

The one problem that many users run into with a NiMH power source is that the pack must be completely discharged before recharging in order to insure full memory usage. This memory glitch has caused many prospective laptop owners to choose the newest power supply available for notebooks. Lithium batteries are the newest power supply available for digital equipment and are used to provide a cordless charge for camcorders, drum machines, notebooks and many other products. "Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!" (Psalm 107:8) The most important advantage of LiON, or lithium ion discount notebook computer batteries is the excellent memory capabilities that are provided.

A lithium battery is also generally lighter than other types of packs which easily accommodates thinline notebooks and other small, digital equipment. Of course, a LiON power supply costs more than other discount laptop batteries even if they provide the same battery capacity simply because of a higher demand on the current market. Before purchasing any digital item and especially laptops, check out the type of rechargeable power source that is supplied by the manufacturer. Sometimes this is the last feature to be considered which can cause a consumer some problems down the road or at the least, some inconveniences.

Find out how long a battery will operate, how much a replacement will cost, the length of recharge time and how easily it can be removed and replaced. Unless purchasing discount notebook computer batteries, most retail packs cost a third to a half as much as a laptop. That is why it is important to check out all issues that relate to the portable power source supplied within notebooks. There are some things to keep in mind about the power supply of any laptop that is purchased. New batteries are not charged when shipped because shipping may destabilize charges. New power supplies need to be charged and completely discharged more than 4 times before operating on full run capabilities.

Letting a battery fully run down from use throughout the life of the power supply is a good idea as well so that it can have a full charge which will stimulate the cells to maximum potential. There are a few safety tips to be aware of when using discount laptop batteries in order to insure full use and safe handling to consumers. Always keep a notebook away from damp areas and never store it in extreme heat or cold. The use of a rapid charger can condition and help provide the best performance out of a rechargeable battery. This will also help add long life to the power supply as well as insure against possible memory problems. Never take apart or handle the chemicals associated with a battery because of the flammable nature found especially in lithium batteries.

Doing so could cause fire that cannot be doused easily since water only tends to aggravate it. Depending on use, a consumer can expect a battery to last from 1-3 years before noticing shorter and shorter charge times and perhaps some memory failure. The newest of laptop discount batteries are constantly losing a little charge each time they are used. The hotter a notebook gets, the more charge is drained from its power pack, so keep laptops as cool as possible when in use. Removing a power pack can help save the life of a battery when a notebook is plugged into direct wall power.

The constant draining and charging that occurs, even in miniscule forms, can accelerate the death of cells. Another thing to remember is that while the older power sources may have performed best when totally drained before a recharge, the new lithium ion packs perform best when recharged while up to 20% charge is still left. It is best not to totally drain a lithium battery before recharge because it may not be the same again. Discount notebook computer batteries can be purchased from many knowledgeable and reputable sources that offer power packs for just about any requirement.

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Cheap Laptop Computers

Cheap laptop computers provide consumers with the ability to purchase products at a very affordable price. This is especially true during the holiday season when prices go down because of competition and other reasons. When looking for cheap notebook computers, people can often look no farther than their local neighborhood. Many technology companies exist in towns and cities across the country, making it possible to purchase these products without going to much trouble or effort. Some stores also offer refurbished products at very low prices. These machines have basically been used in the past and revamped with new hardware and programs. Seeking a quality product at a low price may not be easy, but having all necessary information before beginning the selection process will allow the individual to have many more options.

Finding the right product for the right person is often one of the most difficult tasks that an individual will face. Although the search area is already rather narrow, with cheap laptop computers being the main focus, there are many different products for different people. Companies have created a wide variety of products that are marketed directly to certain age groups. Teenagers will want cool, but not cheap notebook computers that will make a statement. Most college students will want a computer that will offer word processing programs, Internet capability, and other tools that will be useful for studying and completing assignments. Younger children will be more focused on gaming and entertainment. Adults will have a wide variety of needs, depending on what the computer will be used for. Taking the time to understand the individual that will be using the laptop will provide details on what functions and capabilities to pursue.

Children should be easy to please when making a laptop purchase. Utilizing the services of a local computer store to find cheap notebook computers will more than likely provide adequate results. With children, games and a word processing program for homework will be all that is necessary. This could be an excellent opportunity to offer additional study materials for children, especially in the form of a game. Many mathematics, phonics, and trivia games are available. These can assist any child that is struggling with a particular subject. Cheap laptop computers for the child can offer fun and excitement, while teaching the child about certain subjects.

Searching for the best product for a teenager can be difficult. As a parent looking for cheap laptop computers for a teenager, it is important to look for something that is different and unique. Teens often want to make a statement about who they are. A colorful and exotic laptop may not seem to be the most logical way to go about this, but it is something that can set a teen apart from others. The functions that should be sought include word processing programs for school reports, Internet access, games, and programs that offer the ability to play music. These programs will allow the student to complete homework assignments while still having the ability to have a little fun.

When a college student is the intended recipient of a computer, there are many things to take into consideration. Most importantly, the cheap notebook computers must be compact and easy to carry in order to transport easily between classes or from campus to home. Internet capabilities are also very important. Often, online research is required for papers and other homework projects. For the student living away from home, a printer is also needed for printing assignments for class. Sometimes, finding a deal that includes a printer will be less expensive than pursuing separate products.

For an adult spouse, child, or other family member, the choices will be much more difficult. It is important to evaluate what a computer will be used for. If the product is going to be used for business purposes, the cheap laptop computers will need to be compact for travel between home, office, and business trips. Word processing programs, along with financial programs will be useful for accounting purposes for both office and home use. If the individual already owns a printer, there will likely be no need for a new one. Whether the cheap notebook computers will be used for home or office, Internet capabilities will be a necessity. Going a step further and pursuing wireless Internet capabilities may be even more important. Some businesses have built in networks that will allow employees to access the Internet from any capable machine. Before making any major decisions or selections, the needs of the individual must be evaluated. Determining what programs will be utilized most often must be considered, in order to purchase the best product. Also, when in the process of looking for a computer, Christians can ask the Lord to provide guidance. "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." (Matthew 21:22). Trusting God for help can alleviate worries and stress that comes with making major purchases.

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Buy A Laptop Computer Online

The shopper who wants to buy a laptop computer online will find the best deals and the greatest variety of add-ons and features for his business or personal needs. There are many sales agencies that offer products at deep discounts to the public. Before the shopper decides to buy a product, that person needs to do a little research to ensure that he is getting the features and add-ons that will serve his needs. Because of the increasing advances in inventions and features for these products, even the most up-to-date shopper should check out what's available in the price range that fits.

When a consumer wants to buy a notebook computer online, that person should have a good idea of what he wants to accomplish with his purchase. Generally, notebooks or laptops are more expensive than desktops, and if a desktop could adequately meet the needs of the consumer or the business, then perhaps research of the latest desktops and their functions might prove frugal. But if the consumer wants to buy a more streamlined and portable product, then it is good to know what can be found online throughout the Internet.

Before a person can decide on a product, he should first determine what manufacturer or name brand he feels most comfortable with. There are many new manufacturers developing good products, and these new name brands may offer machines at competitive prices or below to get their names into the market. However, to buy a notebook computer online from a manufacturer that you have never heard of could be risky. If a buyer wants to purchase a laptop that is new to the industry, that person should check for warranties and search for references, such as reviews in magazines which specialize in the field. The wise shopper can find these reviews on the Internet or in magazines in his local office stores. Name brand products can be found on the Internet as well as the new and up-and-coming brands. If a shopper wants to buy a laptop from a nationally recognized line, then he can browse several agencies that offer that name brand for discount prices. The best way to find a specific product is to type that name into a search engine and comparison shop the different agencies that offer it.

It is good to have an idea of the different functions that you expect a computer to accomplish. Many of the new laptops with the latest technology are expensive, but have options and upgrades that the average user never uses. When they buy a laptop computer online that has more frills than needed, consumers are paying for services that will go unused. If they want to buy a notebook for a discounted price, then they should keep their demands simple. Is only a word processor needed? Is simple bookkeeping a goal for the new computer? When comparison shopping, the consumer should be familiar with the basic technology that will fit his needs. Upgrades may always be bought and added to a computer at a later date, if needed.

Another idea for those who want to buy a notebook computer online is to ask about refurbished computers. There are agencies that advertise used and updated laptops for sale through their websites. These computers can often be bought for a fraction of the cost of a new laptop, and can function for years to come. It is a good idea, however, to ask for a warranty or some type of money back guarantee before deciding to buy a notebook computer online that is used or has been refurbished.

Offering an old or used computer as a trade in is another option to consider when the shopper wants to buy a laptop computer online. There are companies that will take trade-ins. These companies also offer various used computers at discounted prices. Used computers are taken in as a trade and upgraded, healed, and thoroughly checked over; refurbishing the mechanics to give years of use for the buyer.

Finally, when a person decides to buy a laptop computer online, he simply asks the representative or website manager if there are additional discounts offered. He can also enquire about older models that may not be advertised on the web page. Some dealers have stock that is slightly outdated or are last year's models. These can be bought at lower prices than the latest models to hit the market. Remember that price-comparison shopping is the single largest way to save money when you want to buy a laptop computer online. It may be worth the time in gathering several quotes for the same brand, and asking a dealership or website selling laptops to meet or beat the best deal found. Proverbs 6:6 tells us to "be wise," and that certainly includes the way we handle our money and our time. Taking the time to get the information and to determine computer needs will save money in the long run.

source: buyalaptopcomputeronline

Kids Computer Games

With computers now in most households, using kids computer games as an educational tool is both smart and convenient. Sometimes getting students interested in history, math, or science can be frustrating for some parents. If Little Johnny struggles with math and gets bored, there are online activities out there that will engage his interest. He might really grasp a concept that uses frogs on lily pads or tigers in the jungle to teach math through an interactive. Fortunately, whether a child struggles in math or Spanish or just wants to practice grammar at home, there are many options out there to choose from. Parents can use the Internet in the search for either free games or the purchase of software packages. The key is to choose educational computer games that will benefit the child to help them not only learn but find lifelong enjoyment in learning.

Free kids computer games can be found all over the Internet. This can be great for families who have limited money to buy software but already have a computer and Internet access. The other benefit to using the free games is that the child can always move on to another interactive when they get bored. For purchased software, there is a limit to the number of lessons and activities, so the student will eventually use the whole CD set. Unless the parent can resell the software or save it for the next child, it soon just adds to the clutter in the home office. Free online educational activities are also constantly changing and improving. Purchased software remains the same until the customer buys an updated version.

One thing that parents should avoid is laying the responsibility of finding free educational computer games on the child. Without certain filters or security features, a child on the Internet becomes as vulnerable as if she were alone on a city street at night. Even the best search engines could lead a child to a website that promotes pornography, violence, or other content not meant for children. In addition, children under ten or eleven really can't judge whether a game is truly educational or not. They need the leading of a responsible parent. "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6) Mom or dad can certainly involve the child in choosing a game, but it's the parent's job to make sure the child makes the right selection.

Some families don't have computers or Internet access, but kids computer games aren't inaccessible to them. Many companies understand that a home computer might not be affordable, so they develop mini-computers with specially designed software. These devices range in price from $20 to over $80 which is still much less than a home computer. Parents who are interested in these devices will want to use a search engine and type in "learning laptop." Many local stores will also carry these items in the toy department. Customers must be sure to look at the prices of cartridges and books, though. It's best to choose a device that doesn't require extremely expensive games. Count on buying four to six games per year. The good news is that these additional items grow with the child and can be purchased at his level.

Narrowing down the search for the right educational computer games is unique for every situation. A mom with a preschooler may want to search for preschool software. Knowing the child's interest in a certain cartoon or TV character may narrow down the search even more. The child might be more prone to play the games if it means she gets to see Elmo or Dora. A father with a seventh grader who has trouble in science will want to search for software that covers seventh grade science concepts. Other parents may want software that covers the whole gamut. There is software out there that includes games for all subjects at several levels. The price ranges can vary based on popularity of the product, how many games and lessons it includes, and even how many grade levels it includes. Although much of the software can be purchased in local stores, it is often cheaper to shop online. Many search engines offer a shopping site that will compare prices across the web on one product. This is a great way to find the lowest price.

While price is important, it's also important to be sure that the kids computer games are the right ones for the customer's child. Reading reviews and getting recommendations from other parents is always a good step to take. Educational magazines, especially those regarding special needs learners, can recommend a number of products that might be geared specifically to children with ADHD, Autism, and many other learning disabilities. Lots of general educational websites will make recommendations for software typically used by students without disabilities. When the parent finally decides on the right software, she will need to choose a reputable store to make the purchase from. Store reviews aren't usually hard to find online, especially when using search engines. Customers need to be wary of stores that don't accept returns and those that have several negative reviews. In general, finding the right store and the right educational interactives can be a very fruitful process as long as the child's best interests are at heart. When parents step up and get involved in their child's education, they soon find Junior succeeding, not because of educational computer games or books, but because mom and dad give him the support that he needs.

source: kidscomputergames

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Do you want to get more of laptop battery life?

Laptop Battery Life: How to Get More of It?
Scientists can send a man to the moon, launch satellites into space, and clone life forms, but as of yet, no one has been able to develop a laptop battery that lasts a full working day. If Intel has its way, the 8 hour laptop battery will be available in 2-4 years. In the meantime, laptop users need a solution now for how to increase battery life. Until the eight hour battery makes it's debut, there are a few ways that you can get more life from your laptop batteries.

First, there are the obvious solutions like closing software programs that you're not using. Another is to set your computer to hibernate when you walk away. Although most of us realize that we should do this, what normally happens is that the few moments we assume we'll be away from our computer turns into a few hours. Until the longer life laptop battery hits the shelves, using hibernate or standby is one of the most important things you can do to preserve the life of your laptop battery.

To set your Windows computer to automatically go into hibernate mode, open your control panel, select "power options," choose the "hibernate" tab, and check "enable hibernation." After that, click the "power schemes" tab and set the amount of idle time after which you want your computer time to hibernate.

Mac users can set their sleep mode preferences by selecting "system preferences," clicking the energy saver tab, and then clicking "sleep." The earlier you set your computer to sleep, longer the battery will last. Sure, it's a bit annoying to have the screen saver appear after 1 minute of non-use, but when you consider the savings from the laptop battery's point of view, it's a smart trade-off.

Aside from using less power, you can actually condition your battery to retain more power. Just like an Olympic athlete conditions to get into optimal shape, so too can your laptop battery. When you purchase a new laptop battery, it comes to you completely empty of charge. Though most of us can't wait to get back to using our laptops cord-free the moment possible, it's important to let the battery accumulate a full and complete charge.

For the first 2 or 3 cycles only, you'll want to completely deplete your battery before recharging to the max. This "trains" your battery to understand its own power capacity. After those first few cycles, you'll want to recharge your laptop battery, ideally, before it depletes entirely.

When to get a new laptop battery
If you've got to recharge every 2 hours, it's time for a new battery! Most of us put off buying a laptop battery until the computer practically won't hold a charge at all. Buying a laptop battery may not be as interesting a purchase as buying something new for your closet, but once it arrives, you might wonder why you waited so long to make your life so much simpler. Once you get it installed, try out some of these tips. If you treat your new laptop battery well, it may just last until the 8-hour battery finally becomes available.
Source: Free Articles
Autor: trycmcw
Translation into Arabic:

يمكن للعلماء ارسال رجل الى القمر ، واطلاق اقمار صناعية الى الفضاء ، واستنساخ أشكال الحياة ، ولكن اعتبارا من بعد ، لم يتمكن اي شخص لوضع بطارية الكومبيوتر المحمول أن يستمر يوم عمل كامل. إذا إنتل في طريقها ، 8 ساعة وبطارية كمبيوتر محمول ستكون متاحة في 2-4 سنوات. وفي غضون ذلك ، والمحمولة المستخدمين بحاجة إلى حل الآن لكيفية زيادة عمر البطارية. حتى ثماني ساعات البطارية يجعل انه لاول مرة ، هناك عدد قليل من الطرق التي يمكنك الحصول على حياة أكثر من بطاريات الكمبيوتر المحمول
أولا ، هناك حلول واضحة مثل اغلاق برامج الحاسب الآلي أن كنت لا تستخدم. آخر هو وضع جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك لفترة السبات عند المشي بعيدا. على الرغم من أن معظم علينا أن ندرك أن علينا أن نفعل ذلك ، ما يحدث عادة هو أن لحظات قليلة ونحن نفترض أننا سوف يكون بعيدا عن الكمبيوتر يتحول إلى بضع ساعات. حياة أطول حتى تصل إلى بطارية كمبيوتر محمول الرفوف ، باستخدام السبات أو الاحتياطية هي واحدة من أهم الأشياء التي يمكنك القيام به للحفاظ على حياة بطارية الكمبيوتر المحمول.
لمجموعة الكمبيوتر الخاص بك ويندوز تلقائيا الى الذهاب الى السبات واسطة ، فتح لوحة التحكم الخاصة بك ، اختر "خيارات السلطة ،" اختيار "السبات" علامة التبويب ، وفحص "تمكين الإسبات". وبعد ذلك ، انقر على "مخططات السلطة" علامة التبويب وتحديد مبلغ من الوقت الضائع بعد التي تريد جهاز الكمبيوتر لديك الوقت لفترة السبات.
ماك يمكن للمستخدمين طريقة نومهم الأفضليات باختيار "نظام الأفضليات ،" النقر على علامة التبويب الطاقة المدخر ، وبعد ذلك النقر على "النوم". في وقت سابق لكم مجموعة جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك إلى النوم

Friday, September 26, 2008

The way to choose aGaming laptop

How to Choose a Gaming Laptop?

Laptops traditionally have been a no go area for gamers. However, in recent years times have changed, from a business man play toy in the 1990s the next generation of gaming laptops have the raw power to cope with the most hungry of 3d gaming and graphic intensive software applications.
With the obvious advantage of unique portability the gaming laptop is certain to gain a big slice in the gaming hardware market in the next few years with many PC users opting for a more versatile approach to playing PC games and the booming market of online games. Technology is changing even month by month but by reading the guide you should be able to grasp the basic understanding of what you should be looking for when choosing a gaming laptop.

Processor Power
The engine of any laptop. The processor or CPU is one of the most vital components of a gaming laptop and you should be looking for a duel core processor, expensive yes but will stand you in good stead in the forthcoming months. If you cannot afford a duel core then a minimum of a 1.8mhz processor is what you should be looking at.

Random Access Memory (RAM)
Often overlooked and forgotten about, RAM combined with the processor is pivotal in a gaming laptop. The bottom line is if you have a cutting edge CPU but only 256mb of RAM or even 512mb then you are seriously limiting your gaming laptop performance. Go for at least 1mb of RAM and even better for the all important frames per second count get 2mb.

Graphics Card
This is where you have a decision to make. The big difference between a laptop and a desktop PC is the upgrade ability of your graphics card. In your desktop it is easy to upgrade your video card but inside a laptop it is difficult and often needs a pc engineer to carry out this process. Most standard laptops come with a onboard graphics card and you must expect to pay for a top end card such as a Radeon or Geforce.

Screen Clarity
Wide screen is recommended for gamers but do not compromise on screen quality. 17inch screen will help with those long gaming sessions and a good tip for when you are looking at laptops is to use the machine for a few minutes to see if your comfortable with the clarity and image quality of the laptop screen.

Battery Life
With raw graphic power busting out of your laptop you will need make sure your battery is up to the job. Lithium-ion battery that lasts up to 5 to 6 hours is ideal if your are looking to use your machine away from a wired power source.

Gaming laptop prices
Expensive. There is no point hiding this fact, if you compromise on CPU, RAM or video card then you will not have a gaming laptop at all, just a regular laptop with some costly components inside. Expect to pay nearly a third more for your gaming laptop compared to a normal spec machine.
Source: Free Articles
Autor: martind

Translation into Arabic:

أجهزة الكمبيوتر المحمولة تقليديا كانت لا تذهب لمنطقة الألعاب. ولكن ، في السنوات الأخيرة قد تغيرت مرات ، من رجل الأعمال تلعب لعبة في 1990s الجيل القادم من الألعاب وأجهزة الكمبيوتر المحمولة لديها الخام والطاقة لمواجهة الجوع أكثر من 3d الألعاب والرسوم البيانية مكثفة تطبيقات البرمجيات.
واضح مع ميزة فريدة من قابلية القمار هو كمبيوتر محمول معينة للحصول على حصة كبيرة في سوق أجهزة الألعاب في السنوات القليلة المقبلة مع العديد من أجهزة الكمبيوتر للمستخدمين اختيار لنهج أكثر تنوعا للعب ألعاب الكمبيوتر والسوق المزدهرة للالعاب اون لاين. تكنولوجيا يتغير حتى الشهر قبل الشهر ولكن من خلال قراءة دليل لكم ينبغي أن تكون قادرة على اغتنام الأساسية لفهم ما الذي يتعين عليك أن تبحث عن عندما يكون اختيار الألعاب المحمولة
المعالج السلطة
المحرك من أي كمبيوتر محمول. المعالج أو وحدة المعالجة المركزية هي واحدة من أهم عناصر من ألعاب كمبيوتر محمول ولكم ينبغي أن تبحث عن مبارزة النواة ، مكلفة نعم ولكن هل سوف تقف في وضع أفضل في الأشهر القادمة. إذا كنت لا تستطيع مبارزة الأساسية ثم الحد الأدنى من 1.8mhz المعالج هو ما ينبغي أن ننظر في.
ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي (ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي)
وكثيرا ما ننسى عن إغفالها ، بالإضافة إلى ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي المعالج هو محوري في الألعاب المحمولة. وخلاصة القول هنا إذا كان لديك أحدث وحدة المعالجة المركزية ولكن فقط 256mb من ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي أو حتى 512mb ثم انك يحد بشكل خطير من ألعاب الكمبيوتر المحمول الخاص بك الأداء. اذهب ل1mb على الأقل من ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي وحتى أفضل لجميع الأطر لكل من المهم الحصول على الفرز الثاني 2mb

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What is the Right Battery for Your Laptop?

Choosing Right Battery for Your Laptop

Laptops usually consume more power and the batteries should be lightweight and small to fit easily into the laptop. With a typical battery, your laptop can run for about ninety minutes. This will not be sufficient, as you may have to use your laptop frequently while on the move. You can use large and heavier batteries to solve this problem.

Laptop batteries are designed specific to the make and model of the laptop. Thus you require the appropriate battery for your laptop. Depending on the type of battery, the life of the battery will vary. However there are some common features that differ from the normal batteries used for household purposes: Laptop batteries can be recharged. They have many internal cells and there is a small PCB within each laptop battery. The location and shape of terminals vary across different models; Similar to all batteries, electrochemical reaction is created which forces a stream of electrons that traverse from one position to another in the laptop batteries and there are negative and positive terminals which send and receive electrons. However, rechargeable batteries are more complex than normal batteries as the power that is produced by the electrochemical reaction must be reversible. Therefore you should take care when recharging, for ensuring that they perform better.

Today there are many battery manufacturers who supply compatible batteries to Laptop makes such as IBM, HP-Compaq, Dell, Acer, Sony, Toshiba and Apple. There are three types of laptop batteries available in the market today. Before you plan to purchase, you should know the difference among them to decide on the right type of battery for your laptop.

NiCd (Nickel Cadmium) batteries were the first rechargeable batteries available for laptops. As they delivered a high output and the cost was also low, most manufactures earlier preferred them. Now they are not available widely as replacements have come that are much lighter with better performance.

NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride) batteries can still be used in the older laptop models. They are more reliable than the NiCd batteries due to their higher output. The NiMH batteries are also safe to use and also cheaper to manufacture. The only disadvantage is the memory effect in the NiMH batteries, as it can remember the battery discharge levels and gives varying performance if the battery is not fully discharged.

LiON (Lithium Ion) batteries are currently used in laptops of latest models. LiON batteries have no memory effect compared to the NiMH batteries and are also lighter than both the above types of laptop batteries. Thus, Lithium Ion Batteries have become more popular and also expensive because of these advantages. If you can afford for the Lithium Ion battery, this is the best solution; you can go for a compatible NiMH battery if you have budget limitations.

A number of specialist battery manufacturers supply batteries to laptop companies based on the specifications, design and configurations for a particular model and quality terms agreed. Even the power requirements and available space for installing the battery vary from a laptop model to another and hence the laptop manufacturers order suitable battery packs for their various models. When you plan to replace the battery, you can contact the authorized dealer of your laptop manufacturer to ensure that you get the correct type of replacement.
Source: Free Articles
Autor: Lesley Lyon

Translation into Arabic:

أجهزة الكمبيوتر المحمول وعادة ما تستهلك المزيد من الطاقة والبطاريات وينبغي أن تكون صغيرة وخفيفة الوزن لتناسب بسهولة إلى كمبيوتر محمول. مع بطارية عادية ، يمكن تشغيل الكمبيوتر المحمول لنحو تسعين دقيقة. هذا لن يكون كافيا ، كما قد تضطر إلى استخدام الكمبيوتر المحمول في كثير من الأحيان أثناء الحركة. يمكنك استخدام بطاريات ثقيلة وكبيرة لحل هذه المشكلة
بطاريات كمبيوتر محمول محددة تهدف إلى تقديم نموذج من وان جهاز الكمبيوتر. وهكذا كنت بحاجة المناسبة لبطارية الكمبيوتر المحمول. تبعا لنوع بطارية ، وحياة البطارية سوف تختلف. ولكن هناك بعض السمات المشتركة التي تختلف من البطاريات العادية المستخدمة للأغراض المنزلية : أجهزة الكمبيوتر المحمول والبطاريات ويمكن اعادة شحنه. وقد داخلية كثيرة وهناك خلايا صغيرة داخل كل مركبات ثنائي الفينيل متعدد الكلور بطارية كمبيوتر محمول. مكان وشكل وتختلف المحطات الطرفية عبر نماذج مختلفة ؛ مماثلة لجميع بطاريات ، كهربائية رد فعل هو الذي خلق تيار القوات من الالكترونات التي تعبر عن موقف واحد لآخر في الكمبيوتر المحمول والبطاريات وهناك سلبية وإيجابية الطرفية التي إرسال واستقبال الالكترونات. ومع ذلك ، بطاريات قابلة لإعادة الشحن هي أكثر تعقيدا من البطاريات العادية حيث أن السلطة هي التي تنتجها كهربائية يجب أن يكون رد فعل للانتكاس. ولذلك يجب الحرص عندما تغذى ، لضمان أن تكون لأداء أفضل

اليوم هناك العديد من المصنعين الذين يقدمون بطارية متوافقة بطاريات لأجهزة الكمبيوتر المحمول ويجعل من مثل آي بي إم ، - إتش بي كومباك ، ديل ، أيسر ، سوني ، وتوشيبا وشركة آبل. وهناك ثلاثة أنواع من أجهزة الكمبيوتر المحمولة والبطاريات المتوفرة في السوق اليوم. قبل كنت تخطط لشراء ، يجب عليك معرفة الفرق فيما بينها لاتخاذ قرار بشأن الحق لنوع بطارية الكمبيوتر المحمول.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Do You Want the best Flexibility And Portability Consider A Laptop?

If You Want Flexibility And Portability Consider A Laptop, If you are one of those who works with a computer on a daily basis like me you should consider a laptop. I have actually owned three now and I think I would be lost without mine. I still use my desktop PC quite a bit at home but the laptop comes in extremely handy when I am away.

It's not just convenient owning a laptop but it is also even more fun to use than the desktop. Your laptop can be totally modified to fit your needs and can be an extension of your desktop if need be. I know that I sometimes need to be able to use the same programs that I would normally have on my desktop and thanks to the additional of a 30GB portable drive, I can keep all the programs I would normally need on it and save the space on my laptop. I just plug it in to my USB port and I am off to the races.

You can customize the look of your display settings just as you would with your desktop so your window displays as well font sizes are all a click away.

There are many add ons that you can buy for your laptop to make it more convenient for you to use. If you need more space, you can do as I suggested and get a portable drive that will keep you from clogging up your main hard drive. You can also get smaller flash drives for moving information from one place to another.

Sometimes the way that the mouse is configured on a laptop makes it inconvenient or uncomfortable to use, if this is the case for you then you can get an external mouse that plugs into your laptop to make it easier to use, the same also can be said for the keyboard. If the keyboard seems too small or awkward, then plug in an external one.

Many times you will find that if you use your laptop often that it will begin to overheat, if this is the case for you then you should look into an external laptop cooler. Laptop coolers can help keep your system cooler and prevent damage from overheating.

If you are not happy with the sound of the internal speakers that your laptop came with you can buy a set of small powerful speakers and plug them into your laptop to give you better quality and louder sound.

If you travel quite a bit I highly recommend that you get a hard laptop case. Laptops are fragile and it is very easy to screw up a screen, they aren't cheap to replace.
Source: Free Articles
Autor: teahupoo

Translation into Arabic:
إذا كنت أحد الذين يعمل مع جهاز الكمبيوتر على أساس يومي مثلي يجب عليك أن تنظر في كمبيوتر محمول. لدي في الواقع ثلاثة المملوكة الآن وأعتقد أنني سوف تضيع دون الألغام. ما زلت بلادي استخدام الكمبيوتر المكتبي لا بأس به في المنزل ولكن كمبيوتر محمول للغاية ويأتي في متناول الشخص عندما أنا بعيدا.

انها ليست فقط مريحة امتلاك جهاز كمبيوتر محمولا ولكن أيضا حتى إلى استخدام أكثر متعة من سطح المكتب. الكمبيوتر المحمول يمكن تعديلها لتناسب تماما احتياجاتك ويمكن تمديد سطح المكتب إذا لزم الأمر. اعرف أنني في بعض الأحيان الحاجة ليكون قادرا على استخدام نفس البرامج التي أود أن عادة على بلدي سطح المكتب والشكر لإضافية من حملة 30GB المحمولة ، ويمكنني أن تبقي كل برامج وأود أن الحاجة عادة على أنها وانقاذ على الفضاء بلدي كمبيوتر محمول. أنا فقط لسد لأنه في بلدي USB الميناء وسأسافر الى السباقات
يمكنك تخصيص مظهر من إعدادات العرض تماما كما كنت مع سطح المكتب الخاص بك حتى يتم عرض نافذة كذلك الخط جميع الأحجام هي نقرة بعيدا.

وهناك العديد من إضافة أن المكتب يمكنك شراء الكمبيوتر المحمول للجعلها أكثر سهولة لك لاستخدام. اذا كنت بحاجة الى المزيد من الفضاء ، يمكنك القيام به وأنا اقترح والحصول على حملة المحمولة من شأنها أن تبقي لكم من انسداد حتى القرص الصلب الرئيسي الخاص بك. يمكنك أيضا الحصول على أصغر بأجهزة ذاكرة فلاش لنقل المعلومات من مكان

What is the better a laptop coputer or a desktop?

Should I Buy A Laptop Or A Desktop?

With the advances in computer performance technology moving forward in quantum leaps it has created some difficult questions for us, one is deciding between a laptop or a desktop.

Now, not only do we have the problem of our computers being outdated very rapidly but we also need to decide which route to take.

Let's look at the pros and cons and identify what we will use our computer for so that we will be able to make an intelligent decision about it.

First let's look at the laptop. Obviously the greatest benefit to a laptop that is glaringly apparent is the mobility. This allows you to always be able to take your computer with you to work, school, on vacation, etc. At the same time this portability also allows anyone else the ability to walk off with your laptop as well. If this happens, not only are you out a computer but you have also lost all the data you had on it as well so security is a concern.

Another issue is the price difference. While prices have come down, there will still be a good disparity in the price of a laptop to a comparable desktop so you have to weigh that out as well. The difference is usually $400 or $500. Do you need the mobility enough to pay the difference in price?

Another concern with purchasing a laptop is the availability of parts and how upgradeable the unit is. Don't buy some off brand laptop that you won't be able to buy parts for and don't buy one that you can't upgrade later.

A big issue for me is the size of the screen, yeah size matters. If you get a laptop with a small screen you will be aggravated, trust me. I have a 17" screen on my desktop and a 15" on my laptop and it really makes a difference. You can get a laptop with a 17" screen, it will just set you back a bit more in cash outlay.

So ask yourself these questions:

Do I mainly use my computer at home or do I need it at work or school?

Do I travel a lot?

Will I use the laptop?

Am I willing to pay more for the convenience?

Source: free articles
Autor: teahupoo

Translation into Arabic:

ومع التقدم في تكنولوجيا الحاسوب الأداء المضي قدما في قفزات كمية أوجدت بعض المسائل الصعبة بالنسبة لنا ، هو اتخاذ قرار واحد بين كمبيوتر محمول أو المكتبي.

الآن ، ليس فقط لدينا مشكلة من أجهزة الكمبيوتر القديمة جدا ويجري بسرعة ولكن نحتاج أيضا إلى الطريق التي تقرر اتخاذها.

دعونا ننظر للإيجابيات وسلبيات ، وتحديد ما سوف نستخدم الكمبيوتر لدينا حتى نتمكن من جعل قرار عقلاني حول هذا الموضوع.

أولا دعنا ننظر في كمبيوتر محمول. ومن الواضح أن أكبر فائدة لكمبيوتر محمول هو أن من الواضح وضوح الشمس هو التنقل. هذا يسمح لك دائما يكون قادرا على اتخاذ جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك معكم الي العمل او الي المدرسة او الي رحلة الخ الخ الخ الخ.

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